Tea With Taz

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

25 episodes of Tea With Taz since the first episode, which aired on April 3rd, 2022.

  • Episode 25: Omar Bailey Shares His Journey as a Black Architect

    February 17th, 2025  |  43 mins 44 secs
    architecture, black architect

    Omar Bailey, a Senior Associate at the architecture firm Shepley Bulfinch, talks about how he got to where he is and how he found his strengths even though they weren't what he expected they would be in architecture school. Listen to this fun and informative conversation about how architecture professionals change and grow as they advance in their career and some of the additional obstacles minority architects have to overcome.

  • Episode 24: An Interview with Historic Preservation Thought Leader Bonnie McDonald

    November 25th, 2024  |  54 mins 45 secs
    architecture, historic preservation

    How do we make Historic Preservation relevant to more than just little old ladies of leisure? Who's stories do our current Historic Preservation systems tell and which groups are routinely overlooked? How is Historic Preservation related to Health, Workers Right's and People's Right to Place?

    Bonnie McDonald, the President and CEO of Landmarks Illinois, answers these difficult questions and more. Bonnie is the author of THE RELEVANCY GUIDEBOOK — BUILDING A MORE RELEVANT PRESERVATION MOVEMENT and she shares what she learned when interviewing groups of people who are hardly ever included in the Historic Preservation conversation. She shares the things that still need to change and also tells us about glimmers of hope and success stories about how Historic Preservation has been made relevant to a wider swath of the population.

  • Episode 23: An Interview with Arizona Legislator Sarah Ligouri on the new ADU Law

    October 9th, 2024  |  44 mins 23 secs
    adu, architecture

    There has been a flurry of pushback on the new statewide law mandating that every city that has over 75,000 people must allow any single family home to add at least one attached or detached Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU). Everyone from historic preservationists, city planner, and neighborhood organizations are up in arms about this overall positive move to make ADUs more prevalent in our state. Listen in on my interview with Arizona Legislator Sarah Ligouri, a big proponent of this legislation. to find out why the Arizona Legislature passed such a sweeping law, overriding citys' ability to regulate ADUs, and why it may not be such a bad thing after all.

  • Episode 22: The New Incarnation of Taliesen School of Architecture

    August 27th, 2024  |  37 mins 4 secs
    architecture, architecture school, taliesen school of architecture, taliesen west

    In this episode Taz interviews Stephanie Lin, the Dean of The School of Architecture, an institution that was once called The Taliesen School of Architecture which was founded by Frank Lloyd Wright. Find out what the school is up to now that it is no longer at Taliesen West and the very cool, hands on, experimental projects that continue to be produced there.

  • Episode 21: The latest on the South Central Light Rail Extension by the City of Phoenix Light Rail Administrator

    July 30th, 2024  |  49 mins 22 secs
    architecture, housing, light rail, phoenix, south phoenix, transportation, urban plannings

    Markus Coleman, the Light Rail Administrator with the City of Phoenix tells us the latest news about how the South Central Light Rail Extension is going and when we can expect it to be open to the public.

  • Episode 20: Interview with Historian Lydia Otero about the Erasure of Hispanic Parts of Tucson, Arizona

    June 13th, 2024  |  57 mins 9 secs
    architecture, historic district

    Who's history matters and who's history is told and from who's perspective? Historian and activist Lydia Otero sheds light on the untold costs of Urban Renewal in Tucson and how the Mexican built-environment that evolved over generations was destroyed in favor of more "civilized" and "attractive" city center that would bolster Tucson's tourism industry and investment in the city.

  • Episode 19: A Wheelchair User gives her Unique Perspective on the Challenges of Navigating the Built Environment

    May 15th, 2024  |  49 mins 41 secs
    accessibility, architecture

    Jennifer Longdon, a community leader, a former state legislator and an accessibility activist, has been using a wheel chair since a shooting in 2004 left her paralyzed from the chest down. She gives us her unique perspective on what it's really like to live in her historic house and to go out and use public buildings, streets and sidewalks while using a wheelchair.

  • Episode 18: A new architectural film screening plus a report of someone who survived a remodel to their home!

    April 8th, 2024  |  1 hr 2 mins
    architecture, film festival, home improvement, home resale, house resale

    Steve Weiss, the Executive Director of No Festival Required, an independent cinema organization, shares with us about his latest architectural film screening. He and his wife have also undergone a renovation of their home and Steve shares an insider's perspective on what it's like to live through a home renovation that lasted for months. Listen in for invaluable insights on how to survive a home renovation in this episode.

  • Episode 17: An interview with historian Jennifer Levstik about early Arizona architect Annie Rockfellow

    March 13th, 2024  |  55 mins 29 secs
    anne rysdale, architecture, historic, jennifer levstik

    Annie Rockfellow was the first licensed female architect in Arizona. She got her license in the 1920s and the woman who followed was Anne Rysdale who got her license in the 1950s. Rockfellow worked in Henry O. Jaastad's office in Tucson and was relatively well-known during her lifetime. However her name has virtually been scrubbed from history and she has been largely forgotten. This podcast episode brings Rockfellow back into the limelight she deserves with a thorough discussion of her life and work with historian Jennifer Levstik.

  • Episode 16: Interview with Maurita Harris

    February 15th, 2024  |  51 mins 22 secs
    architecture, black history month

    Maurita Harris is only the 3rd licensed black female architect in Arizona. In our conversation Maurita talks about her journey to becoming a licensed architect in a field with very few who look like her. Listen to Maurita's inspiring story, advice for those who are coming up behind her and all the ways she is making the profession of architecture and her community a better place.

  • Episode 15: Taz Khatri Studios 2023 Year End Recap

    December 19th, 2023  |  17 mins 16 secs
    architecture, taz khatri studios

    Join us for a run through of our experiences at our small architecture firm over 2023...our projects, our podcasts and much more!

  • Episode 14: Rayane Djafafla Interview Indigenous Architecture

    September 27th, 2023  |  58 mins 3 secs
    architecture, indigenous, indigenous architecture, rayane djafafla

    An interview with Indigenous Architecture Advocate Rayane Djafafla about how indigenous architecture principles can inform modern-day architecture in being climate-responsive.

  • Episode 13: Interview with Trees Matter Executive Director Aimee Esposito

    August 22nd, 2023  |  52 mins 10 secs
    aimee esposito, trees matter

    I speak with Aimee Esposito, the Executive Director of Trees Matter, about how trees impact the built environment and why they are so important in tackling climate change.

  • Episode 12: Interview about Navigating the Built Environment with Mobility Issues

    July 31st, 2023  |  54 mins 50 secs

    Interview with a Retired Seamstress about Using her Home and Public Buildings with Mobility Issues

  • Episode 11: Tea with Taz An Interview with Kai De Valeria

    July 19th, 2023  |  56 mins 40 secs
    architect, kai de valeria, trans

    Find out what it's like to be a trans architect in this interview with Kai De Valeria

  • Episode 10: Tea with Taz Earth Month 2023 Edition

    April 20th, 2023  |  1 hr 27 mins
    anthony floyd, earth day, green building regulations, scottsdale green building program

    Join us for a conversation with a key leader in the Scottsdale Green Building Program - Anthony Floyd - as he tells us about how he's led the city to be at the forefront of green building regulations across the state and the country.